I started the Couch to 5K program back in November and I still not what I would consider a "runner". The most I have run in a single stretch has been .53 miles, which is one lap around Hardin Field track. I wish I was a runner. I wish I could set out and run 3-4 miles straight, but I just can't. My body won't allow me. Some days it's my mind that holds me back. I have signed up for the Color Me Rad run in April and it's a 5k. That's over 3 miles. I am not too worried about it because my goal is to just finish it and to cross that finish line running!! If that means I have to walk half of it, I don't even care. I just want to do it!! I do have to say that I feel healthier and if anyone had asked me at the beginning of August if I'd ever be able to run one lap around the track, I would've asked if they were out of their minds?!?! So, today, I have to say that I am proud of me. I am proud of myself for sticking to it and not giving up, even when I feel like I want to. And I'm proud of the fact that I am taking time for myself, which is so hard to do. Now...let's see how I do in April. ;o)
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